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Ричард Милхаус Никсон (Richard Milhous Nixon)

Родственная связь:

Рюрик Новгородский +879
Игорь Киевский +945
Святослав Киевский +972
Vladimir Ier le Grand, grand-duc de Kiev +1015

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Iaroslav Ier Rurikide, duc de Kiev +1054 Dobronиge de Kiev ca 1011-1087
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Anne Rurikide 1024-1075/ Izyalav Rurikide, grand-duc de Kiev +1078 Swatawa Piast 1041/1048-1126
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Hugues le Grand Capet, comte de Vermandois ca 1057-1102 Sviatopolk Rurikide, grand-duc de Kiev +1113 Judith Przemyslide 1065-1085
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Mahaut Capet, dame de Crйpy 1077/ Zbyslava Rurikide +1108 Boleslas III Bouche-Torse Piast, duc de Pologne 1085-1138
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Agnиs de Beaugency ca 1108 Ladislas II Piast, duc de Cracovie 1105-1159
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Raoul Ier, seigneur de Coucy ca 1135-1191 Richilde Piast 1135-1198
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Yolande de Coucy ca 1161-1222 Sancia de Castilla 1154-1208
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Robert III Gasteblй, comte de Dreux 1185-1234 Alphonse II, comte de Provence 1180-1209
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Yolande de Dreux, comtesse d'Auxonne ca 1212-1248/1255 Raimond-Bйrenger V, comte de Provence ca 1198-1245
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Adйlaпde de Bourgogne ca 1233-1273 Marguerite de Provence, reine de France 1221-1295
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Marie de Brabant, reine de France 1254-1321 Philippe III le Hardi Capet, roi de France 1245-1285
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Marguerite Capet, reine d'Angleterre 1282-1318
Edmund of Woodstock Plantagenкt, comte de Kent 1301-1330
Joan Plantagenкt, countess of Kent 1328-1385
Thomas Holland, Earl of Kent 1350-1397
Edmund Holland, Earl of Kent 1368-1407
Eleanor Holand 1405-1406-1452
Constance Tuchet
About 1443-
Eleanor Whitney
About 1467-
Sir John Puleston
Jane Puleston
Gaynor Thomas
Elizabeth Pugh
Thomas Owen
Harry Thomas Owen
Hugh Harry
John Harry
Miriam Harry -1809
Lydia Hussey
Amos Griffith
About 1798-1871
Elizabeth Price Griffith
Franklin Milhous
Hannah Milhous
Richard Milhous Nixon
37th President of USA (1969-1974)